Monday, June 28, 2010

the only thing missing is morning sickness..and my theory is..

Craving, n. Strong desire; longing; yearning

I have been craving for the past few days, which is beyond weird since I don't crave like a normal person would..I crave like a pregnant person..

It all started one morning when I decided to start my day with some toast and a glass of milk, an ordinary breakfast right?..I ended up wanting some for the whole day..I shrugged it off and figured that it was just because I haven't eaten that in a very long time, it actually made sense..until I got home and found that we have no more bread..I literally felt like crying..or wailing..whatever..I was just beyond pissed at the revelation..and then my mind decided that it just wants some avocados I went and devoured some..after which the 'urge' came back..only it's about, again..I went and followed the weird urges..The next morning..I found some bread on their usual spot, so I made some toast, well..not exactly some..I made like, a bunch of them, even cutting the bread in half to double the amount.

It's been nearly two weeks..I still crave for toast, but now..I think I kind of figured out why I'm having these cravings..

*Important Note* :
the next few paragraphs take place in my dreams..

I tossed my keys into the open drawer in my bedroom after getting home from school..there was a loud thud and..well..everything else involves Junsu so..dear reader..please use your imagination here...

I woke up..groggy..and sated, tired, satisfied, whatever you wanna call it..there was a note taped to my forehead saying that my (imaginary!) husband, Junsu left to go do something pop star I decided to visit the (imaginary!)neighbor, and good friend Heather Morris(of course she would make an appearance!), I knocked on her front door, she opened it..there was a squeal of "I missed you!" , a flurry of sweet smelling blond hair, the world turned sideways and then I pretty much found out I was bisexual..

(imaginary!) husband, Junsu called and said he would be home much as I hated it, I told Heather I would be leaving for a bit and I would just be back when I had the time..she said I left..

I met up with Junsu at the house..and..*cue reader imagination here*

Its been a month since that (DREAM!) happened..two weeks since I had cravings..I wasn't puking yet..but I already told (imaginary!) husband, Junsu that I really really want some toast..I'm quite sure he's the baby daddy(considering Heather Morris would make this theory even more ridiculous than it already is)..he's pretty much okay with waking up in the middle of the night just to satisfy my so called cravings..he even joked that our baby would look like toast when he/she is born..Heather the(imaginary!) neighbor is kind enough to keep me company whenever Junsu is not I guess that makes everything easier..

that's pretty much my (DREAM!) theory..and reality is debunking me as I type it..

my mind comes up with really weird stuff sometimes..I should get myself checked.

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