Friday, June 11, 2010

the "hahaha-is-it-fun-to-eat-your-words?" syndrome..

I've been thinking about a lot of stuff my newfound fandom for Glee which came at a time when the show is on it's break before season 2..I seem to have a knack for completely ignoring or sometimes insulting(sorry K-pop)awesome things and eventually becoming a fan when there's barely any news about it..I should start thinking of a name for this's ridiculously weird..

Its not like I haven't noticed the show before..I was aware of it because of Chris Colfer who caught my attention because he was one of those very few boys I have a serious crush on who turn out to be gay *ehem sexy voice Jonathan Groff*..(which seems to put a damper on the argument of me being straight..I AM..there's just not enough handsome straight boys to have a crush on..more on that later..)I was just too pre-occupied with other stuff to take it seriously during that time..(as always)..

It was just recently when I decided to give Glee a chance and watch a few episodes..I was in this 'watch TV shows for free' website and I was thinking of a show to type in..I tried Chuck but there were too many episodes and I don't have the patience to put up with slow buffering I typed in Glee..and picked the Sectionals episode..I got through the first few minutes..and then came the scene with the party line phone call thing between Mercedes, Tina, Artie, Kurt, Brittany and Santana which had this particular exchange:

Santana: "Sex is not dating!"
Brittany: "if it was Santana and I would be dating.."

and just like that I was hooked..there was something about the way the lines were delivered that cracked me up..aside from the fact that Brittany looked mighty HOT I decided to purchase a DVD so I can marathon watch all the season one episodes and have a fresh start when season 2 rolls by..I also went and explored the internet for stuff about the show..which eventually led me to reading a bunch of fan fiction..which, in turn led me to join Team Brittana..because of *drum roll please* Brittany..or more specifically..Heather Morris..yeah..I hate having a girl crush..although I like to think that the significant lack of decent looking crush worthy boys is just nature's way of making me stay faithful to the lucky ones who made my list..their numbers are slowly dwindling though so I'm kind of hoping this trend won't last..

anyhow..I'm now starting to be a little bit careful on the stuff I say about things..and I'm starting to give everything a chance so as not to bruise my pride every time I eat my words about a certain type of fandom..

this doesn't change my feelings about the Twilight series though..I gave it a chance..heck..I even went and laboriously read all four books..but, unfortunately..IT STILL SUCKS..and..nope..I will never change my mind about that..

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