Monday, June 21, 2010

a series of unreachable birthday wishes..through photos..

I want Xiah Junsu for my birthday..because I LOVE HIM..and..well..HE'S REAL HOT..need I say more?..

this guy Leeteuk..I want him..because who wouldn't like that cute face?...and I didn't even upload the photo where he has his abs exposed..WOW...

Heather Morris..because as much as I hate this girl-crush I'm can't deny that this girl is REALLY PRETTY...and okay..HOT too..

I want this Glee pairing to happen so badly..because I find it unfair that Kurt gets to have a boyfriend but Brittany and Santana can't end up's to hoping they will..

Chris Colfer because I STILL refuse to believe that this boy is gay..

Jonathan Groff because he has such a SEXY SEXY voice..

and of course..Baljeet...from that cartoon..because I find his character really adorable..hahaha...

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, it's your birthday tomorrow, and I can't get the real Junsu or Leeteuk for you! Damn, i can't even buy myself a measly cupcake. Anyway, happy birthday! Wish you a good a life! XD
