Thursday, May 27, 2010

the first..

this would be my first blog post..I'm not really used to this kind of last attempt at blogging was at friendster blogs and I kind of abandoned that one already..anyway..I haven't got much stuff happening to my I usually just update whenever something remotely interesting happens..(translate: nearly never)..but there are times when nature gives me a bunch of stuff to get interested about so all i have to do is just wait for those rare moments of inspiration..everyone's welcome to read through my rants and comment..I would appreciate it if there's some criticism in the comments least there are comments right?..anyway..I'll stop here..until my next interesting moment..goodluck..

1 comment:

  1. Hehehehe, the truth is I started my blogging two years ago, coz I couldn't see the deal why you have to blog about what you do...although it has some advantages, like commenting freely about anything under the sun, including you and me. Other than that, my imagination cannot fathom anymore possibilities about how a blog should be looked upon. therefore, I lack imagination, therefore also, you can forget what i just said.
    Peace out!
