Saturday, May 29, 2010

Colds, Ghosts and Dreams.. apparently I have decided to admit to myself that I had been sick with the cold since Wednesday..I hate getting the sniffles *cue people yelling WHO DOESN'T?!? here* the fact that it's really hard to breathe, the sneeze fest and the constant dripping of your nose are annoying on their own, the thing that really pisses me off about having a cold is not being able to properly taste anything..which leads to me losing my appetite when I really need it the most(clue: when I'm hungry) the bitterness brought by forcing myself to chew a tasteless sludge of an otherwise awesome meal is unbearable. I would gladly take on a bad case of the coughs than go through that, at least you can taste something before you accidentally spit it out in a bout of uncontrollable coughing right?, anyway I officially committed myself to a full on water treatment a few hours ago and I just HOPE that I won't need any sort of Meds for this stupid cold.

I've been playing Fatal Frame again, that awesome awesome survival horror game I have grown to love.

I never seem to get tired of this series. There's three of them for my console(the lame ass PS2)I personally LOVE Crimson Butterfly, but, I obviously do not have the money to upgrade my game console to a Nintendo Wii so I'm not going to be able to play Mask of The Lunar Eclipse(sad..) anyway, based on my recent tally, I have finished the first game only once compared to Crimson Butterfly which I have gone over seven times and The Tormented who passed by my hands for five times. I'm still actually a bit wary of the first game, which I guess is the reason for me putting off replaying it as best as I can(clue: I'm scared)..yep you read that right, I'm scared of the game, there seems to be more ways for the ghosts to scare you in this one and the obvious lack of healing items and film even on the easy mode got me to think that the game wouldn't be any better on the harder game modes. Not that I never found the same problems on the other two games but really..THERE'S A SHORTAGE OF HEALING ITEMS ON FATAL FRAME I...and the ghosts are a hell of a lot menacing, one grab would instantly get you to 'Alive and Kicking' to 'Barely breathing, hyperventilating, dying' and there's no point trying to avoid the ghosts either..because, well..that's the game's point.

I have this weird tolerant intolerance(huh?) for the supernatural and the Fatal Frame games always seem to get to me, no matter how many times I play them and even if I have the whole game nearly memorized, each cut-scene and ghost appearance never failed to illicit a scream from my scaredy-cat mouth(for some reason).

Which brings us to my latest dream installment where I was chased by a bunch of ghosts who enlisted the help of Freddy Krueger..I am scared..I seriously woke up in a cold sweat and got the shock of my life when I realized that I haven't wet my bed because of that FREAKISH dream..I think my lack of sleep and recent addiction to games involving zombies, monsters and ghosts have finally caught up with me..

I pray that I will get over this weekend alive..


  1. Mahirap din pag may ubo, pag nasa quiet place ka mahirap pigilan ang coughs mo tska lagi kang dura ng dura para mailabas yung phlegm. Kaya mas maige kung hindi ka magkakasakit. Di ba? - Karizza.

  2. I didn't now you get scared that much. Me? Well, I get jumpy on some horror movies, but in the end, I see it as a cheap thrill, especially from Hollywood horror or slasher movies. But if there was one movie I would never ever watch again is Chuckie(or is it 'y' instead?) or Child's Play. I hate movable dolls! Gggrrrr!
    Anyway, next time you won't be so scared anymore
    Note: who will win between Chucky(?) and freddy Krueger? You choose!
