Friday, July 9, 2010

The Power of 5..

There was a significant event yesterday, it's not really that big but I had a reason to be happy yesterday..

Yesterday marked fourteen years since the release of Wannabe, The Spice Girls' debut single which technically marks the day when the world was introduced to Girl Power

I consider July 08 as the anniversary, because it was on that day, fourteen years ago, that my all time favorite song was released. The song that opened me to music itself.

Yeah, was Pop..and when you listen to it now, you'll find that there's really nothing quite special about it, it's just five girls singing.

I remember being three years old, not being able to understand anything they were singing about, it was all just plain gibberish to me. But I caught on the beat, started dancing along..and the rest was history.

There was something about them that just got me some weird force, perhaps it was fate?..I don't really question it anymore, I'm just glad that my three year old self picked them over everyone else.

I LOVE THEM..I may not talk about them often, or listen to their songs every second of every day but I LOVE THEM..their music touched me in some way, they all speak to me, each one appropriate for at least one significant moment in my seventeen years of existence.

I admit that I have forgotten about them once. but, like I said..I LOVE THEM, and I like to believe that fate really wanted me to go running back into their music.

One year before they announced their reunion tour, there was a steady amount of 'signs' I saw that may look random to other people but meant something to me:

There was this regular commercial on TV at that time that used Wannabe as the background music.

I started hearing 2 Become 1 on radios wherever I go.

I was seeing the number 5, seriously..everywhere.

There were dozens of those signs, everyday, wherever I go..I hear one song of theirs and I feel the tiniest pang of nostalgia, I wrack my brain for reasons but I seem to not be able to think of anything. The feelings of nostalgia grew stronger and stronger, until the day I saw their picture on the local broadsheet newspaper, read the news about their reunion and felt a HUGE AMOUNT OF JOY..because I finally realized what all those signs meant. It's like I had amnesia, all I needed was a picture to make me remember but the world kept giving me puzzle pieces so I could put it all together myself.

I never was able to go to any of their reunion shows. But I did what I can do, I started rekindling the fire.

It's been fourteen years since I first heard of them. And my eyes still tear up whenever I think of them too much..I only need to think of the pure unadulterated joy they gave me when I was young and I just feel like crying.

I never listen to their song Goodbye, besides the fact that there's only four of them in there..the title pretty much says it all for me..and I'm just not ready to say Goodbye to them just yet..

I'll always continue with being their's the least I can do..why?..because they sang Viva Forever and I take that song very very seriously..

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