Wednesday, January 12, 2011

BOOM! (please feel free to ignore this rant)

Wednesday, 12 January 2011, the day fate creates one giant mass of AWESOME for me and my life..

Technically, Wednesdays are beer days, at least that's what they are for me and my college buddies (BroYam!) until we got ridiculously drunk last week and decided to abstain from beer for a while. Which means I can't exactly celebrate this AWESOME day with alcohol. Bummer.

Wednesdays are also glee days in the Philippines. so that's a nice thing, I guess..even if there are no new episodes.

Naya Rivera (Glee!) and Melanie Chisholm (Sporty Spice for the non 90's kids) are celebrating their birthdays today and clearly they are both a huge part of something I have spazzed about. The first one captivates me now, and the other was there since I could barely think.

So technically, it's like my past and present collided on this day..and I find it interesting enough to commemorate with a post, on a blog I haven't updated in for nearly seven months.

Happy Birthday to Naya Rivera and Melanie Chisholm!